By working together, we can reach more young people with higher quality interventions. Could we support your social mobility programmes? 


Work experience & insight events

Work experience is a powerful tool that provides valuable insight into the world of work and practical employability skills. But too often students who face socio-economic barriers (often from groups under-represented in HE and industry) miss out on these opportunities. We collaborate with partners on recruitment, to ensure that the young people who need support the most can access these opportunities, and design, delivery and evaluation, so that they derive maximum benefit from the programmes. 

Apprenticeships outreach

Apprenticeships can be transformative for social mobility, but there is work to do before this potential is fulfilled. We help partners to ensure that they have a more diverse and representative applicant pool, one that is aware of the opportunities available to them and equipped with the skills and knowledge to make an outstanding application and transition smoothly into their apprenticeship. 


We work closely with partners to ensure that their recruitment and retention processes are in line with best practices that promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Our friendly expert team can review documentation, advise on strategy and train staff to help embed these best practices into the culture of your organisation. 


We have generated exceptional results by utilising mentoring as a technique to connect young mentees with corporate volunteer mentors (supported by Causeway) on our tried and tested online mentoring platform, OSCAR. We also have a diverse pool of subject specialist mentors should a programme require this approach.  Structured mentoring is a meaningful tool, featured in many of our outreach interventions.   


We have particular strengths in the built environment, creative, and professional service sectors – in particular law and finance. 

We would be delighted to discuss how we can work together to ensure progression is not determined by privilege! Please get in touch with Director of Partnerships Clare Collins-Addy to arrange an introductory meeting: