Statement from social mobility charity CEOs following discussion on widening participation with Universities Minister
/We were very pleased that Sam Gyimah, Minister for Universities and Science, responded so quickly and so positively to the statement we issued on university access last week, following leaks from the government’s post 18 education funding review.
We are grateful to the Minister for his time this week; we had a constructive and wide-ranging discussion and he reiterated his commitment to closing the access gap.
Among the topics we discussed were the barriers that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds face in accessing HE; measuring the impact of widening participation activity and demonstrating what works; and the role of the third sector.
The Minister encouraged us to continue making the case for widening participation and assured us that it was a top priority for him.
Andrew Berwick, CEO, The Access Project
Anand Shukla, CEO, Brightside
Julie Randles, CEO, Causeway Education
Andy Ratcliffe, CEO, Impetus-PEF
Rachel Carr, CEO, IntoUniversity
John Craven, CEO, upReach